OK, look; I know the bathroom is not that far, but it's not all that close either. I'd call it about a 500 ft walk over loose gravel. The bigger issue, is that if you are wearing you're ACUs, then you have to put on your boots.
I drink about six to eight 1-Liter bottles of water everyday. The result is two-fold; one, I always have to pee. Two, spacious 1-Liter water bottles are plentiful and always on hand. I think you see where I'm going with this.
Is it OK to piss in water bottles in my room?
I'm not saying all the time. Just in times of distress, or at least extreme inconvenience. If I happen to be sitting around my room in PT gear, there's no question. I slip on my sneakers and run to the head. If I'm out and about, I'll always choose to go to the head rather than come back to my room specifically to piss in a bottle there.
But what about the middle of the night? Or how about when I am still in ACUs, stealing a well-deserved hour or so to listen to an album or watch Battlestar Galactica? Can I piss in my room then?
On the ship, it was common for a 6 or 8 man stateroom to designate one sink the "pissing sink." That's much worse, since the bathrooms are all pretty conveniently located nearby. But also better, because you're not left with a bottle of piss to get rid of. I was never really a big fan of the piss sink anyway, so this little sidebar is completely irrelevant.
Anyway, obviously I have and will continue to fill water bottles with urine in the same room that I sleep in. I'm just wondering how guilty and nasty I should feel about it. Your thoughts...
Pissing in a water bottle in your rack is perfectly acceptable. No one wants to get our of their rack and walk. I utilized plastic bags in SERE since it was 8 degrees. I also am not a fan of the pee sink, not my thing.
There are a lot of things that are perfectly acceptable given the situation to those actually in the situation that those not in the situation will never understand...
I would save the piss bottles like I save my boogers and measure them every fortnight. You can also compare colors and smells. Maybe keep a running diary of what you eat and drink before each piss and then write a book on the urinary effects of certain foodstuffs.
I forgot to mention that my room has air conditiong; outside, 113F and blowing sand.
Put one more check in the "reasons to piss in a bottle" column.
I am one of the aforementioned individuals who peed in a sink for eight months on my ship. It was glorious...
I don't see anything wrong with having bottles of your urine under your bed. I keep bottles of lots of people's urine under my bed. It's cheaper than collecting Hummels
re:to pee or not to pee...my major concern is the one time you are parched and you take a huge slug before realizing the agonizing truth since this is my first time lets see if i can figure out how to post this just don't take into account any spelling or punctuation erors!@#$%:"?!
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