Thursday, July 31, 2008

D-189: More Reader Feedback

I just wanted to add a few more digs at the guy who is taking his own time to do me a personal favor. That's what friends do; ungrateful, demanding, judgmental friends like me.

Underpants Gnomes

on a side note -- is the aforementioned "Mr. Pride" an army guy, because the sailor figure in that new banner looks quite gay.

I didn't know if this was intentional, or subconscious or what...

...not that there's anything wrong with that

My Brother (via e-mail) said...

not sure what to make of the new blog design yet. the concept of the augm. logo is cool, but unfortunately, the navy guy looked loopy and gay in the true homosexual sense. the new one is shirtless and muscled in the even more homoerotic sense (or is that just me and my homophobia?)


Anonymous said...

The worst part of the new layout is that you got rid of the photo of Jessica. That's why I keep reading.

Anonymous said...

don't have a problem with change...sometimes its nice to stir the pot. but, please, please, please put the original header back!